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Filing Deadline for Homestead & Age 65 School Tax Exemptions is April 1

Residents must apply by April 1 for 2021 exemption


The Forsyth County Tax Assessors Office remindsresidents about the approaching deadline to file for homestead exemptions aswell as the age 65 school tax exemption for this tax year.


Residential property owners in ForsythCounty that reside on that property and are a legal resident of the County, allas of Jan. 1 of the tax year, qualify for homestead exemption. Applications forexemptions can be filed year-round but must be sent in by Thursday, April 1, toreceive the benefits for 2021.


Regular and floating homestead exemptionapplications as well as applications for the age 65 school tax exemption areavailable for download on the Board of Assessors page at and must be notarized.A notary is available in the Tax Assessor’s Office in the Forsyth CountyAdministration Building (110 E. Main St., Suite 260) at no charge. A driver’slicense or state-issued ID must be provided with the application. If theaddress on the driver's license does not match the property address, a ForsythCounty motor vehicle registration or voter registration will need to beprovided.


For residents wishing to file for aHomestead Exemption prior to the April 1, 2021 deadline, the Forsyth CountyBoard of Assessors has placed a drop box outside of the County AdministrationBuilding (110 E. Main Street) on the north side of the building at the entrancenearest the parking deck. Both completed, notarized Homestead Exemptionapplications with a copy of the applicant’s current driver’s license andPersonal Property reporting forms may be placed in the box and will becollected by County staff.


For questions, pleasecall the Board of Assessors Office at 770-781-2106 or send an email to Both HomesteadExemption applications and Personal Property reporting forms may also beemailed to this address or faxed to 678-455-8493. 
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