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Information Regarding Election Campaign Signs

During the 2020 election season,residents can expect to see advertisement signs throughout Forsyth Countypromoting various candidates for offices that are up for election. 

Thebelow information is from both the Georgia Code and Forsyth County’s UniformCounty Code

Georgia Code (Title 21. Elections §21-2-414) states that:

(a) No person shallsolicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, nor shall any persondistribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person solicitsignatures for any petition, nor shall any person, other than electionofficials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables or booths onany day in which ballots are being cast:

(1) Within 150 feet ofthe outer edge of any building within which a polling place is established;

(2) Within any polling place; or

(3) Within 25 feet ofany voter standing in line to vote at any polling place.

Forsyth County Uniform County Code,Chapter 66

Information regarding the placement ofpolitical signs can be found in Forsyth County’s Uniform County Codes. 


Below are guidelines regarding political signplacement from the Uniform County Codes (Numerals listed in parenthesisindicate where language can be found in the Uniform County Codes):

- Political signs are considered Expression signs percounty code (66-105).

- Expression signs do not require a permit, any lawfulnon-obscene content is allowed on an expression sign. 

- Expression signs cannot be a prohibited sign (66-102).Examples of prohibited signs include animated signs, roof signs, projectingwall signs and signs attached to trees

- All signs must be on private property and are to be setback at least 10 feet from the right-of-way. No signs areto be placed within county right-of-way (66.109).

- Owner permission is required before placement of anexpression sign on private property.

Signs within the right-of-way, including those attachedto traffic signs or telephone poles, are prohibited (66-102-L)

Signs, banners, posters or notices of any type areprohibited in county parks or recreation facilities unless authorized bypermit, permission by an authorized official or contract. (54-32)

No more than two expression signs shall be allowed on anylot; except within 60 days prior to any local, state or federal primary,special election or ballot initiative when an additional four expression signsshall be permitted on any lot bringing total allowed to six expression signs(66-105(c))

Expression signs placed for political or ballotinitiatives shall be removed within 15 days after election, total number ofexpression signs allowed per lot then reverts to two (66-105(e)). 

- Signs covered by other sections must be permitted asrequired i.e. banners, balloons, streamers, pennants or search lights (66-103).

-  Expression signs must meet setback requirements, mustcomply with GA 400 limited access highway regulations and comply withperformance tables for height, size, etc. (66-111)

Performance Tables by ZoningDistrict (Excerpt)

Residential Zoning Districts & OfficeResidential Zoning Districts


              Maximum Sign Face (sq. ft.) = 6

              Maximum Height of Ground Signs (ft.) = 4

              Number of Signs Limited (see Section 66-105)

              See Performance Standardstable Expression Sign


Commercial or Industrial Zoning Districts

               Maximum Sign Face (sq. ft.) = 32

               Maximum Height of Ground Signs (ft.) = 10

               Number of Signs Limited (seeSection 66-105)

               See Performance Standards table ExpressionSign


This information is excerpted from the UniformCounty Code Section (Chapter) 66. Please click here to see thefull code for additional information.


PLEASE NOTE:  Signs found to be in violation by CodeCompliance Department staff will be removed and disposed of. 


Forsyth County does not remove signs placed on privateproperty.  Residents may remove unwanted signs on their private property.

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