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Voter Registration Deadline for May 22 Primary and Elections is April 24

Forsyth County residents wishing to register to vote for the May 22 General Primary, NonPartisan General Election and Special Elections or change their name and/or address on the voter registration list must do so no later than Tuesday, April 24. 

A Voter Registration Application must be completely filled out and either USPS postmarked or otherwise delivered to the Forsyth County Voter Registration and Elections Office (1201 Sawnee Drive) no later than the close of business at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 24 to meet the deadline. Changes can also be made online. If submitting an application using the online voter registration system (, the application must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday night, April 24.  Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  Residents may also register to vote at any county public library.

To use Georgia’s online voter registration system residents must have a valid Georgia driver’s license or identification card issued by the Georgia Department of Driver’s Services (DDS) with signature on file with DDS.  For those without a valid driver’s license or identification card, the link will allow residents to print a paper registration to mail/deliver to the Voter Registration and Elections Office. 

Please verify your Election Day polling place at prior to voting on Tuesday, May 22. 

To receive additional election information, visit or call (770) 781-2118 ext.9.

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