Copyright 2025 by Forsyth County, Georgia

Alcohol Permits

Permit Hours

8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Permit Cost

$20.00 Background processing fee
$50.00 Alcohol permit fee

Permit Duration

2-year permit

An alcohol sales permit is required for all employees that are employed in establishments that serve or sell alcohol within unincorporated Forsyth County.

Download Alcohol Permit Application

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get an alcohol permit?

Call the Forsyth County Sheriff’s office at 770-781-2105 to schedule and appointment. After approval proceed to the Business License Department located at 110 E. Main St, Suite 130 (across the street).

How old do I have to be to get a permit?

Applicants must be 16 yrs. or older to sell beer & wine by the package (i.e., supermarket, convenience store, gas station) and 18 yrs. or older to sell at a liquor store or consumption on premise (i.e., restaurant, brewery, distillery)

Where can I work with my permit?

You may work at any business located in unincorporated Forsyth County.

What would prevent me from obtaining a permit?

(1) Any employee or applicant who has been convicted within the last (5) years of any felony under any federal, state, or local law. 

(2) An employee or applicant who has been convicted of any misdemeanor (for a period of one year following conviction), except for an employee- applicant who has two or more DUI convictions within a five-year period or who has three or more alcohol related convictions, including but not limited to, public drunk, underage possession, or consumption of alcohol. 

(3) An employee- applicant who has been denied or has had revoked an alcohol sales permit by an y state or local government due to an underage sales infraction. 

(4) An employee- applicant who fails to provide truthful and correct responses to questions on the Alcohol Sale Permit application concerning information of past arrests and convictions.

What happens if I get at citation?

You will be issued a citation with a date to appear in Magistrate Court.

What happens if I pay a citation or plead guilty?

A finding of guilt, either by plea or judgement, in Magistrate Court may include a fine as well as a suspension of your permit. The licensee of the establishment will also be notified and may incur progressive administrative action up to or including suspension or revocation of the establishment’s alcohol license.

What if I lose my alcohol permit?

An employee- applicant may visit the business license office and pay $50.00 permit fee and obtain an additional copy of the permit.

When does the permit expire?

The alcohol permit is valid two years from the date of issuance.

Who needs a permit?

(1) Any employee of a package outlet whose primary business is the sale of alcoholic beverages.

(2) Any employee who serves alcoholic beverages at an outlet with a consumption on the premises license, which shall include, but shall not be limited to, taking of order(s), dispensing, or serving alcoholic beverages, and checking identifications(s).

(3) Any employee of a package outlet whose duties include conduction alcohol sales transactions or who will be on duty alone at such establishments.

What can I get a citation for?

An employee may be issued a citation for underage sale of alcohol, an expired permit or not having a valid permit. The licensee may be issued a citation for additional establishment violations.

How long does it take to get a permit?

The background and alcohol permit will be completed same day.

Where do I go to get a permit?

Schedule and appointment with Forsyth County Sheriff’s office at 770-781-2105, office is located at 100 E. Courthouse Sq. After approval visit the Business License Department located at 110 E. Main Street, Suite 130.

What if I leave my job for different job in Forsyth County?

The alcohol permit is issued to the individual. You may work anywhere in unincorporated Forsyth County with a valid permit; you must comply with the minimum age requirement.

What forms of payment are accepted?

We accept cash, MasterCard, and Visa.

What type of identification do I need to bring?

A current government issued photo ID (i.e., state ID, driver’s license, passport, etc.).

Does the licensee need an alcohol permit?

Yes, the licensee of all establishments that hold an alcohol license must obtain a permit.

Is a background required to renew my permit?

Yes, a new background is required to renew.