Copyright 2025 by Forsyth County, Georgia

Right of Way

Right of Way Division

The Right of Way Division provides information, education, guidance, leadership, support, and direction for right of way project acquisitions, road abandonments, right of way land swaps, private road dedications, and right of way and easement research for County transportation projects, County officials and departments, and the public professionally, respectfully, and with integrity. Right of Way acquires the necessary land and easements to build and maintain the County’s infrastructure following local, state, and federal laws, policies, and guidelines and more specifically, by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution. Right of Way researches, maintains, and provides information in a timely manner on roads, sidewalks, various easements, and greenways as requested by Government officials, Forsyth County citizens, attorneys, surveyors, and the public in general.

Right of Way Information

See the attached list of documents and websites to help you with your Right-of-Way questions or requests.

If you require any additional information, contact the Engineering Department at or by calling 770-781-2165.

Petition To Abandon

Right of Way Warranty Deed

Road Improvement Policy for County-Maintained Gravel Roads

Road Improvement Policy for Non-County-Maintained Roads

Steps for Right of Way Abandonment & Right of Way Exchanges

Subdivisions Quit Claim Deed of Release