An effective transportation system is essential to maintain quality of life and a flourishing economy in Forsyth County. The 2024 Forsyth County Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) update was adopted by the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners on Aug. 1, 2024.
The plan is updated every five to six years and includes an evaluation of how the county will grow in the next 20 years with respect to the transportation system. It ultimately helps guide capital investments to the county’s transportation system through the lens of creating healthy, livable communities and furthering economic vitality. This plan update also aims to improve traffic flow and safety in the county while providing multimodal options for our residents.
The 2024 CTP update process included three major phases:
1. Existing Conditions: Review of data to understand existing county population, demographics, land use and transportation infrastructure.
2. Needs Assessment: Identifying the County’s existing and future transportation needs over the timeframe of the plan using existing conditions information, public engagement and further analysis. The public engagement included six public open houses, two community pop-up events, two online community surveys, handouts, a website (, social media posts, email campaigns and a variety of stakeholder engagement efforts.
3. Recommendations: Developing, evaluating and prioritizing projects and policies considering the identified needs and financial constraints summarized in the plan.
CTP Executive Summary
CTP Recommendations Report