Copyright 2025 by Forsyth County, Georgia

Elections & Voting

2025 Elections Calendar

Absentee Vote by Mail: Absentee Ballot Applications

Absentee Vote by Mail: Returning Your Voted Absentee Ballot

Absentee Vote by Mail: More Information

What is an absentee voter?

Per Georgia Election Code 21-2-380 (a) the term 'absentee elector' means an elector of this state who casts a ballot in a primary, election or runoff other than in person at the polls on Election Day. All this means is that any voter who votes in person during Advance Voting or who requests their ballot be mailed to them is classified as an 'absentee voter.' They are 'absent' from their polling place on Election Day and there is no reason required to request a ballot be mailed to the voter.

ID requirements

Eligible voters desiring to vote by mail may do so without providing a reason or identification. However, voters who registered for the first time in Georgia by mail and did not provide identification with their registration, will be required to provide, at the time of voting, one of the six acceptable forms of Photo ID (Georgia driver's license, valid ID card by any state or U.S. with photo, valid U.S. passport, valid government employee photo ID, valid U.S. military ID card with photo or valid tribal ID card with photo) or a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other governmental document that shows the name and address of the voter. Those voters not having the proper form of identification will be offered a Provisional Ballot.

For more information

For more information about Absentee Voting by Mail please visit the Georgia Secretary of State's website.

Voting in Person

Advance Voting

Election Day Voting in Person

Precincts, Polling Places, Voting Districts and Maps

Election Results, Statistics and Sample Ballots

Challenges to Voter Eligibility

Order Voter Registration Lists and Files

Voter registration lists and files are available to the public. The files contain the following information: voter name, residence address, mailing address if different, race, gender, registration date and last voting date. Pricing is set by the Secretary of State.  Such data may not be used by any person for commercial purposes. (O.C.G.A. 21-2-225c)

All such lists are ordered through the order form provided by the Secretary of State. For information on how to order voter registration lists and files, visit the Georgia Secretary of State's website. 

Click here to view the pricing sheet and order form.

The Georgia Secretary of State's website also provides links to the following information:

November 6, 2018 Provisional Ballot Contact Information

The Secretary of State’s Office has established a secure website and free-access telephone number for provisional ballot voters to access to determine whether their provisional ballots were counted and if not, the reason why.

The website is:
The free access number is 1-844-537-5375.

Voters who cast a provisional ballot in Forsyth County may call (770) 781-2118, ext. 9 to determine whether their provisional ballots were counted and if not, the reason why.

All collect calls from provisional voters will be accepted. You may also email