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Copyright 2025 by Forsyth County, Georgia


Board of Commissioners Proclaim Nov. 4 as the Beginning of Diwali in Forsyth

During their Nov. 4 meeting, the Board of Commissioners recognized Nov. 4 as the beginning of Diwali in Forsyth County. Please find the attached photo of the board with members of the south Asian and Indian community for use in your coverage.

Diwali, also known as the “Festival of Lights,” symbolizes the victory of dharma, and good over evil, and is one of the most celebrated festivals of Hindus, Sikhs and Jains. It is celebrated as a time for dana (charitable giving) and seva (selfless service) by bringing light in the form of wisdom, knowledge, nourishment and shelter in order to alleviate the tangible forms of suffering, such as hunger, disease, and poverty.

The Forsyth County Georgia Board of Commissioners proudly expresses its deepest respect for Indian Americans and South Asian Americans throughout the world and here in the Forsyth County communities, and all those who celebrate the Festival of Diwali.

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