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Board of Commissioners Recognizes Tommy Bruce for Service as Parks & Recreation Deputy Director

During their June 1 meeting, the Board of Commissioners recognized Tommy Bruce for his retirement after 37 years of service with Parks & Recreation

Bruce began his service with the County in 1986 when Parks & Recreation consisted of just two park facilities. Today, thanks in large part to the work of Bruce, the department has 28 parks, 52 baseball and softball fields, 6,000 programs offered annually to participants, 55 miles of trails and nearly 2,000 acres of undeveloped parks for future development. 

Through the years Bruce served in the roles of Athletic Coordinator, Parks Supervisor, Parks Manager, Assistant Director and Deputy Director, providing leadership to establish programs and offerings for the residents of Forsyth County. 

During their June 1 meeting, the Board of Commissioners recognized Bruce for his dedicated service, leadership and performance, and they extended best wishes for his future. 

Featured photo: (back, L to R) Commissioner Todd Levent, Commissioner Kerry Hill, Chairman Alfred John, Vice Chairwoman Laura Semanson, Commissioner Cindy Jones Mills and County Manager David McKee 

(front, L to R) Terri Johnson (Parks & Recreation Board Member), Gary Cooper (Parks & Recreation Board Chairman), Matt Pate (Parks & Recreation Natural Resources Division Manager), Laura Pate (Parks & Recreation Deputy Director), Jim Brennan (Recreation Division Manager), Tommy Bruce (Parks & Recreation Division Manager), Billy White (Park Operations Division Manager), Zak Moore (Recreation Supervisor), Ashlea Porri (Recreation Supervisor) and Kirk Franz (Parks & Recreation Director). 

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