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Change Batteries in Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms When Setting Your Clocks

March 8 marks the start of daylight-saving time and theForsyth County Fire Department encourages residents to take this opportunity tochange the batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.  

“Since we recommend changing batteries in smoke and carbonmonoxide alarms every six to twelve months, changing batteries when you changeclocks for daylight-saving time serves as the perfect reminder,” said DivisionChief Jason Shivers. “Taking those few extra minutes to change the batteriescould save someone’s life.”

Prior to replacing alarm batteries, review therecommendations provided by the unit’s manufacturer, and replace the unitsthemselves every seven to ten years. It’s also important to test the alarms atleast once a month by pressing the TEST button.

The Fire Department also reminds residents of the followingsafety precautions: 

•             Installa smoke alarm on every level of the home, in each bedroom and outside bedroomsin each sleeping area

•             Ensure smoke alarms are clean andfree of dust

•             Dial 911 in case of any emergency

The Fire Department’s Public SafetyEducation Division provides battery-powered smoke alarms free of charge forsenior citizens and residents in need. To receive more details about thisprogram, contact the Forsyth County Fire Department at (770) 205-5699

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