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Coal Mountain Dog Park To Unveil Statue Honoring Canines That Served Armed Forces, First Responders

Statue to be unveiled June 4 in partnership with Forsyth County Patriots Alliance

 A statue monument with plaque recognizing canines that have served in the U.S. Armed Services and with First Responders will be unveiled at the Coal Mountain Dog Park (4060 County Way) during a public ceremony on Saturday, June 4.

“We were pleased to partner with local veterans to bring this monument to life and to recognize their service and sacrifice to our nation,” said Assistant County Manager Brandon Kenney.

The public is invited to attend the unveiling of the monument during a ceremony at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 4, at the dog park. District 4 Commissioner Cindy Mills and Sr. Vice Commander for American Legion Post 307 Gary Ely will provide remarks dedicating the monument.

Funding for the monument was allocated out of a portion of funds for the Veteran’s Memorial located in downtown Cumming which came from SPLOST VIII funds. The Forsyth County Board of Commissioners approved the installation of the monument during their Dec. 21, 2021 work session.

The statue design and location was determined in partnership with the Forsyth County Patriots Alliance. The artist of the monument is Susan Norris.

The Coal Mountain Dog Park features synthetic dog turf, dog water fountains, climbing boulder, wooded areas, dog walk ramp, tunnel, sunshades, shaded benches and two family-style restrooms. The four-acre dog park is funded by donations, the Parks & Recreation Capital Funds and by SPLOST VIII. The park opened in Nov. 2020.

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