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CTAE Internship Forsyth Program Caps Inaugural Year with Presentations

County department directors, employees and residents gathered together to support and hear presentations from five teenagers that have been fixtures of four County departments during the 2022-2023 school year.  

The students participated in an inaugural internship initiative resulting from a partnership between Forsyth County Government and Forsyth County Schools’ Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) Internship Forsyth program.  

On Friday, May 19, the students gave presentations to describe their year-long projects within their chosen department, their experiences working with Forsyth County staff and overall program takeaways.  

“This internship program has been in the making for some time now, and it was wonderful to see it formally and officially come to fruition,” said Employee Relations Manager Brandi Zuckerman. “Partnering with Forsyth County Schools to provide greater opportunities and exposure with the CTAE students has been a labor of love, and it has become a program that we hope will continue to thrive and flourish for years to come.” 

The students that participated in the internship program were from different high schools, and each student picked a County department that best aligned with their academic and career interests.  

  • Bryn Quigley, senior at Denmark High School: Communications intern in the Audio/Visual Technology Career Pathway 
  • Sonakshi Sisodiya, senior at South Forsyth High School: Employment Services intern in the Computer Science Career Pathway 
  • Anvitha Mandli, senior at Lambert High School: Finance intern in the Finance Career Pathway 
  • Adithya Lakshmakanth, senior at Denmark High School: IS&T intern in the Computer Science Career Pathway 
  • Neharika Koppineedi, junior at Lambert High School: IS&T intern in the Computer Science Career Pathway 

Internship Forsyth is a structured experience that connects classroom learning to an engaging job opportunity in which students get the chance to intern with local businesses and earn course credit.  

“It was an honor and privilege to work with these bright young minds,” said Zuckerman. “I am beyond proud of these interns; the insight and value they have provided to the County are not only appreciated but highly impressive. We can’t wait to see what future classes of interns will bring.”  

Applications to intern with a Forsyth County department for the 2023-2024 school year will open this summer with information about how to apply to release soon.  

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