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Department of Water and Sewer Wins Multiple Awards

Georgia Association of Water Professionals Recognizes Facility andSystems

During the Nov. 19 Board ofCommissioners meeting, Forsyth County’s Department of Water and Sewer wasrecognized by the Georgia Association of Water Professionals (GAWP) forexcellence in multiple areas.

The James Creek Water ReclamationFacility received the highest score among all of the applicants in its capacityclassification and was selected as Water Reclamation Facility of the Yearin the 1 to 3 million gallons per day category.

In addition to the award forfacility, the department also received two Gold Awards. The first was for theCounty’s distribution system, which delivers fresh water to homes, businessesand schools. This is the fourth year the County’s distribution system hasreceived the Gold Award in this category. The second Gold Award was for the collectionsystem, which, brings the water back to a wastewater treatment facility to be reclaimedand returned to the environment. This is the third year the County has receiveda Gold Award for the collection system.

Video of the presentation is below:

“I am very proud of our staff forthe great job they do every day and this recognition is a reflection of theirextra effort,” said Forsyth County Director of Water and Sewer Tim Perkins. 

GAWP audits water and wastewater facilitiesand systems in different size classifications across the state, checking each facilityfor permit compliance, maintenance, record keeping and overall operationalexcellence.

GAWP is a not-for-profitassociation founded in 1932 with membership of more than 4,000 water andwastewater treatment plant operators and managers, municipal and industrialofficials and environmental managers, civil engineers, environmental engineers,scientists, manufacturers and their representatives, contractors, electedofficials and others concerned with Georgia’s water resources. For moreinformation, visit 

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