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Copyright 2025 by Forsyth County, Georgia


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Forsyth County Closing Parks Amenities
Effective March 24, Forsyth County Parks and Recreation park hours are sunrise to sunset. Additionally, the following areas within County parks will be closed in the interest of public health:

Basketball courts Playgrounds
Tennis courts Pavilions
Volleyball courts Skate areas
Dog parks Ball fields

Parks green spaces and trails will remain open to allow residents to enjoy the outdoors. Park visitors are asked to follow social distancing guidelines as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help slow the spread of COVID-19. This includes limiting groups to 10 or less individuals and maintaining six feet of separation between individuals.

Parks and Recreation staff will be communicating with residents who have upcoming reservations at pavilions or other facilities. 

All County parks indoor facilities were closed last week and remain closed, and programs hosted at these facilities have been canceled or postponed.

Forsyth County is monitoring the ongoing pandemic and any updates regarding closures or postponements will be posted on online at as well as on the County’s Facebook and Twitter pages. 

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