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Copyright 2025 by Forsyth County, Georgia


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Forsyth County Receives Dividend from ACCG Insurance Program

Forsyth County hasreceived a dividend in the amount of $125,320 from the Association CountyCommissioners of Georgia-lnterlocal Risk Management Agency (ACCG-IRMA) that willbe applied in the form of a credit towards the county’s property and liabilitypremium for the 2019-2020 policy year.


The dividend was madeavailable because of successful and dedicated management efforts on the part ofForsyth County in promoting safety and implementing loss control techniques.The dividend amount is determined by remaining funds after actual claims andoperating expenses were paid, as well as any investment income that earned onthe premium while it is held to pay claims.


“This dividend is areflection of the efforts of county personnel to make safety a priority,” said ForsythCounty Risk and Safety Manager Charity Clark.


The county’s dividend ispart of a state-wide $3.25 million dividend announced by the ACCG-IRMA Board ofTrustees, the largest dividend in ACCG-IRMA 's 33-year history.


ACCG-IRMA is anon-profit, Georgia county government-owned insurance fund, providing propertyand liability insurance coverage to its members since its inception in 1987.Georgia law, enacted at the request of Georgia county governments, authorizescounty governments to form non-profit insurance funds, which operate much likemutual insurance companies. These non-profit insurance funds allow Georgiacounty governments to purchase insurance coverage at cost-efficient rates thatare typically better than a county could negotiate on its own. The fund isowned by the Georgia county participants and managed by a Board of Trustees whorepresent participating Georgia counties. It is an efficient method offinancing insurable risks, which ultimately reduces insurance costs forparticipating county governments and benefits the taxpayers. Participants alsoreceive extensive loss control and safety services to help mitigate claims.

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