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Forsyth County Receives Its Highest Commercial Building Code Effectiveness Grading Classification

Insurance Services Offices, Inc. (ISO) has issued Forsyth County a Building Code Effectiveness Grading Classification of three for commercial and industrial properties, the highest score the County has ever received for the category. 

ISO is an independent statistical, rating and advisory organization that serves the property/casualty insurance industry. ISO collects information on a community's building-code adoption and enforcement services, analyzes the data and then assigns a Building Code Effectiveness Classification from one to 10. Class one represents exemplary commitment to building-code enforcement. The average class rating in Georgia for commercial properties is five. 

mine insurance rates for the County’s commercial buildings, so having a high rating can not only bring value to existing industry, but it can also help to attract additional business to the County,” said Director of Building and Economic Development Vivian Vakili. “We are very pleased with this rating increase as it places Forsyth County in the top 5% in the state for commercial class ratings. The rating also reflects the robustness of our staff.”

The most recent report was created using the Building Code Effectiveness Grading Classification survey conducted in March 2021. ISO Classifications are issued every five years and the last classification rating the County received for commercial was five in 2016. 

More information on Building Code Effectiveness Grading Classification ratings can be found by clicking here

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