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Forsyth County Recognized by the National Weather Service for Storm Preparedness

County recognized as a StormReady®community


The National WeatherService (NWS) and the Georgia StormReady Advisory Board have recognized ForsythCounty as a StormReady® Community, a designationreflecting the county’s high level of severe weather preparedness. ForsythCounty was first recognized as StormReady® in 2007.


To be certified asStormReady®, a community must:

-           Establish a 24-hour warning point andemergency operations center

-           Havemore than one way to receive severe weather warnings and forecasts and to alertthe public

-           Create a system that monitors weatherconditions locally

-           Promote the importance of publicreadiness through community seminars

-      Developa formal hazardous weather plan, which includes training severe weatherspotters and holding emergency exercises


StormReady® uses agrassroots approach to help communities develop plans to handle all types ofextreme weather—from tornadoes to winter storms. The program encouragescommunities to take a new, proactive approach to improving local hazardousweather operations by providing emergency managers with clear-cut guidelines onhow to improve their hazardous weather operations.


“It is an honor toreceive recognition as a StormReady® community,” said Forsyth County EmergencyManagement Agency (EMA) Director Chris Grimes. “This recognition is areflection of the hard work that goes into preparing our county for severeweather situations.”


Since the county’soriginal certification as a StormReady® Community, Forsyth County has takenadditional measures to prepare the community for severe weather. The county nowhas a total of 17 outdoor severe weather sirens. The sirens are locatedthroughout the county to notify residents that severe weather is in the area.  


Forsyth County EMA also offersweather alert notifications allowing residents the option to receivetime-sensitive alerts for three severe weather situations (severe thunderstormwarnings, flash flood warnings and tornado warnings) as well as for emergencysituations such as public safety issues or important water notifications fromthe Forsyth County Water and Sewer Department.


During the Board ofCommissioners meeting on Sept. 5, 2019, Forsyth County’s EMA was recognized forthe achievement. The current StormReady® recognition is valid through April 22,2022.

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