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Groundbreaking Ceremony Held for SR 369 Widening & SR 400 Interchange

ForsythCounty and state officials gathered on Tuesday, Nov. 17, to officially breakground on the widening of SR 369 as well as the creation of a grade-separated,partial cloverleaf interchange coming to the intersection of SR 400 and SR 369.



Photos from the event can be found by clicking here.


Theproject will widen SR 369 (also known as Brown’s Bridge Road) from a two-laneroad to a four-lane road, divided by a 20-foot raised median. SR 369 will bewidened from just west of SR 9 to slightly east of SR 306, approximately twomiles. The project will also include sidewalk trails along both sides of SR 369.There will also be an added partial cloverleaf interchange at SR 369 and SR400.


Detailson the project can be found by clicking here to visit the Forsyth County InteractiveTransportation Projects Map.


“Theproject will create an entirely new traffic pattern for all of north Forsyththat will have a positive ripple effect throughout the whole county,” saidDistrict 4 Commissioner Cindy Jones Mills. “Thank you to the voters of ForsythCounty for making this project possible with the voter approved TransportationBond as well as our partners at GDOT.”


Theproject was identified in the Forsyth County Major Transportation Plan of 2006.Funding for the intersection comes from the Forsyth County Transportation Bond,approved by voters in 2014, as well as GDOT Funding and state grants. Fundingfor the widening of SR 369 comes from the County Transportation Bond.


Theanticipated duration of the project is 36 months with a planned opening of late2023, weather permitting. 

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