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Kevin Tanner Appointed to State Road and Tollway Authority Board

Forsyth CountyManager Kevin Tanner has been named to the State Road and Tollway Authority(SRTA) Board of Directors. Tanner’s appointment was made by the Speaker of theGeorgia House of Representatives.


"Weare excited to have Mr. Tanner join the SRTA Boardof Directors," said SRTA Executive Director Chris Tomlinson. “Hismore than 30 years of experience in government, which includes hisleadership in transportation for the Georgia House, will beinvaluable to SRTA as we work to continue to keep Georgia moving.”


Duringhis time in the Georgia legislature, Tanner served as the Chair of the HouseTransportation committee, where he sponsored several bills that helped advancetransit and transportation programs, as well as projects, throughout the state.


“Iam honored to have been asked to serve on the SRTA Board of Directors,” saidTanner.  “Transportation is important tonot only the metro Atlanta area, but the entire state. I look forward to workingwith Mr. Tomlinson and the SRTA Board to meet the needs of our residents.”


Aboutthe State Road and Tollway Authority (SRTA)     


SRTAis a state-level, independent authority created to operate tolledtransportation facilities within Georgia and act as the transportationfinancing arm for the state. SRTA manages the collection of tolls on Georgia’sExpress Lanes System through the use of Peach Pass. In 2017, SRTA combined withthe Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA) to jointly provide theservices of both state authorities. The GRTA board continues to overseedevelopments of regional impact, air quality reporting and regionaltransportation plan approval.


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