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General transmission line installation grfx1.png
Lane Closures Expected on SR 306 and 369 For Planned Power Transmission Installation

3/17/23 UPDATE: The helicopter-assisted operations and lane closures have been postponed to Saturday, March 18. Traffic disruptions may continue in the following days as the contractor completes the work in the area. Thank you for your patience.

Transmission line installation on power structures along SR 306 & 369 is expected to occur, via helicopter, Tuesday, March 14. Expect intermittent lane closures between approximately 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Minimal traffic disruptions may continue through March 16 as the contractor completes final installation activities. Plan routes accordingly!

Law enforcement and the contractor’s traffic control crews will be on-site. Helicopter-assisted operations, such as this, are common in the electric utility industry and are used to reduce the time it will take to complete the work as well as to minimize disruptions to traffic.

The estimated construction dates are subject to change due to unfavorable weather conditions or wind speeds. The County’s website and social media channels will be updated should the scheduled dates be postponed.

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