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New Forsyth County Fire Station 6 Now Open in Southern Forsyth County

Construction of new facility was funded by SPLOST sales tax and Impact Fees

The southern portion of Forsyth County is now home to a new station for the Forsyth County Fire Department, designed to improve service and reduce response times in a densely populated area of the county.

A hose uncoupling ceremony was held Monday, March 27, for new Fire Station 6, located just off of Peachtree Parkway (State Route 141) on Caney Road.

“I have heard from many within the new Fire Station 6 community over the last several months asking about their new station and when it would be opening,” said Fire Chief Danny D. Bowman. “They are very proud to have Fire Station 6 in their neighborhood, and our personnel look forward to serving them.”

Construction of the new station was funded by the voter-approved Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) VI program and by Impact Fees.

District 2 Commissioner Rick Swope, in whose district the new facility will be located, expressed his appreciation to everyone involved in the project.

“As a longtime resident of Forsyth County, I have a great appreciation for the dedication and effectiveness of our fire service.  I believe we have one of the best emergency response teams in the country.” said Commissioner Swope. “The work these men and women do makes us all safer, and I’m excited to welcome Fire Station 6 to District 2.”

New Fire Station 6 is a four-stall station, designed to accommodate the personnel and equipment that will operate out of the facility currently and to allow for future growth. Ground was broken for the project on February 12, 2016.

Since 2005, Forsyth County has constructed a number of replacement fire stations as aging structures outlived their life expectancy, addressing the needs of a growing community and fire department. Fire Station 6, however, is the first ‘new’ station built since 1999. The department has 13 fire stations, and naming the new facility Station 6 fills a gap in the facilities’ numbering.

Construction of new Fire Station 6 occurred simultaneous to construction of a replacement facility for Fire Station 8 along Keith Bridge Road in northeast Forsyth County. The county is scheduled to open the new Fire Station 8 next month. Hussey Gay Bell served as the architects for the stations, and construction of both new facilities was awarded to D.A. Edwards & Company, Inc. in the amount of $5,633,554.

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