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New Forsyth County Fire Station 8 Now Open in Northeast Forsyth County

Construction of new facility funded by SPLOST sales tax and Impact Fees

Forsyth County officially opened new Fire Station 8 in the northeast portion of the county with a hose uncoupling ceremony on Friday, April 21. Construction of new Fire Station 8 was funded by a combination of the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) VI program and Impact Fees.

Located at 6015 Keith Bridge Road, the new fire station replaced the former Station 8, which had been built by volunteers, was opened in 1984 and had far exceeded its life expectancy. The new Fire Station 8 was designed for 24-hour occupancy, which the former station was not. It is a four-stall facility, better suited to house the fire apparatus stationed there and to allow for growth and future apparatus placement.

Forsyth County Fire Chief Danny Bowman spoke to the need for the replacement station.

“For years, Fire Station 8 has been in need of replacement,” said Chief Bowman. “The former Station 8 was a modest, little fire station built with the purpose of sheltering a single fire truck from weather and hosting an occasional meeting. It was never meant to be occupied for 24 hours a day.”

District 4 Commissioner Cindy Jones Mills, in whose district Fire Station 8 is located, shared her enthusiasm about the project.

“The Chestatee Community has long awaited a new fire station. For many decades, this area was blessed with a dedicated group of local volunteer firefighters. I am certain those here with us today are overjoyed to witness the opening of this replacement fire station,” said Commissioner Mills. “We are grateful to those who now serve our fire department. Their professionalism is second to none, and I beam with pride when I get to open a new fire station alongside them.” 

The replacement station was built adjacent to the former structure, which was razed prior to commencement of construction. To ensure that the territory served by Fire Station 8 continued to have coverage during construction, personnel and equipment from Forsyth County Fire Station 8 were temporarily relocated to and responded from Dawson County Fire Station 2, located at 145 Liberty Drive just off of Highway 53 East.

“I have been impressed by how well our staff worked side-by-side with Dawson County personnel and made the transition near seamless,” said Chief Bowman. “We are forever grateful to Chief Swafford and Dawson County for allowing Fire Station 8 to operate out of their facility during this past year.”

Construction of new Fire Station 8 occurred simultaneous to construction of a new Fire Station 6 in southern Forsyth County, which opened on March 27. Hussey Gay Bell served as the architects for the stations, and construction of both new facilities was awarded to D.A. Edwards & Company, Inc. in the amount of $5,633,554.

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