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Online Survey Seeks Community Input on Subarea Plan for Northern Forsyth County
Public feedback being sought for trail-related community needs 

Forsyth County is asking for citizen input on a subarea plan designed to establish an integrated trail system in the northern portion of the county. The plan includes sidewalks, bicycle paths, multi-use trails and supporting facilities that foster community health through promotion of bicycle travel and increased walkability.

The survey will function as the key community engagement tool for the subarea plan and is available to county residents on the Forsyth County website at through March 9.

The subarea plan, which spans portions of district one, four and five, utilizes the Forsyth County Bicycle Transportation & Pedestrian Walkways 2025 Plan. It also incorporates land use connections between neighborhoods, county facilities, and the county’s natural resources including Lake Lanier, Sawnee Mountain and the Etowah River. 

District 4 Commissioner Cindy Jones Mills, in whose district the majority of the subarea is located, noted that the plan ties together several different initiatives.

“The subarea plan brings together the county’s emphasis on health and wellness, along with the focus on town centers and connectivity that were identified as a part of our recently-adopted Comprehensive Plan,” said Mills. “Also, the community input received through the recent Parks & Recreation Comprehensive Master Plan showed that 75% of respondents ranked walking and nature trails as the outdoor activity of most interest to them. We are listening to our citizens and moving forward with initiatives like the subarea plan that address their input.”

“This survey allows residents a chance to voice their opinions on what the future of their community might look like, specifically in terms of connectivity,” said Mills. “The subarea plan allows for us to help shape this portion of the county for generations to come.”

In addition to the survey, an interactive online map showcases the preliminary plan and offers an opportunity for the public to make comments directly tied to the subarea map. Data from both the survey and the map’s comment portion will be used to refine the plan and produce a subsequent draft that will undergo a final review during a community open house, to be held in April.

Take the survey now!
(Please note: the survey is best viewed on PC via Chrome, Edge or Firefox)

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