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Open House Regarding SR 369 Widening Project and SR 369 over SR 400 Interchange Project to Be Held December 13

Citizens are invited to attend a public information open house December 13, to learn more about a proposed project to widen SR 369 and upgrade the intersection of SR 369 and SR 400. The open house will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. at Coal Mountain Elementary School located at 3455 Coal Mountain Drive in Cumming. The open house will be informal, and the public is invited to attend anytime during these hours. 

The Forsyth County Engineering Department along with the design group American Engineers, Inc. will hold the public information open house regarding a proposed project that would widen SR 369/Browns Bridge Road from an existing two-lane roadway from just west of SR 9 to slightly east of SR 306 – a distance of approximately 2.4 miles. The proposed typical section of SR 369 would include four 12-foot wide travel lanes (two lanes in each direction) with a 20-foot wide raised median, 10-foot wide multi-use trail along the south and 5-foot wide sidewalks along the north. The right-of-way is anticipated to be a corridor width of 120 feet along the SR 369 mainline.

In addition to the proposed roadway widening, the project will include a replacement of the existing signalized intersection of SR 400 and SR 369 with a grade-separated, partial cloverleaf interchange.

Funding for the widening and intersection upgrade comes from the Forsyth County Transportation Bond approved by voters in 2014.

“The purpose of this open house is to offer the public an opportunity to view the proposed design and project components, ask questions and comment on the proposal,” Director of Engineering John Cunard said.

Written statements concerning the project will be accepted until January 21, 2017. Written statements may be submitted to:    
Mr. Tim Allen
Assistant Director, Forsyth County Engineering Department
110 E. Main Street, Suite 120
Cumming, Georgia 30040

The displays used at the public information open house and the meeting transcript will be available for review until December 23, 2016 at the Forsyth County Engineering Department located in the County Administration Building at 110 E. Main Street, Suite 120, in Cumming.

For more information on this proposed project and other county transportation projects, visit and click on ‘Transportation Projects’ near the bottom of the home page.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) information: The meeting site is accessible to persons with disabilities. Accommodations for people with disabilities can be arranged with advance notice by calling the Forsyth County Engineering Department at (770) 781-2165.

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