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Open House Set for Proposed South Forsyth Design Standards and Branding

Recommendations to be presented Jan. 22 for public feedback

Forsyth Countywill host an open house to gather feedback from residents, business owners andproperty owners on south Forsyth’s commercial design standards and brandingproposal.


The open house will be held from 5:30 to8 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 22, at the Sharon Forks Public Library (2820 OldAtlanta Rd.). During the drop-in open house meeting, attendees will have theopportunity to view design proposals, ask questions and comment on the conceptspresented by staff and the project’s consultant.


The preliminary standards and marketing brand,drafted following a Sept. 2019 design workshop, are being created to helpsupport a stronger identity for south Forsyth. The branding portion of the southForsyth design initiative will include a logo and tagline as well as othermarketing recommendations to help identify the area. These recommendations willhelp support a brand style as part of a larger placemaking initiative currentlyunderway. The designstandards will specifically focus on non-residential uses along commercialcorridors, which will include both architectural and landscape-basedelements. 


The approximate boundaries for this portionof Forsyth County are State Hwy. 400 to the west, McGinnis Ferry Rd. to thesouth and north of State Hwy. 20 on the northern boundary. Learn more about the south Forsyth design standards and branding proposals by clicking here 

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