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Copyright 2025 by Forsyth County, Georgia


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Ordinances and Staff Help Businesses in Forsyth County

Over the pastyear, Forsyth County has implemented changes designed to bring business intothe County, as well as providing assistance to new and existing businesses asthey navigate the permitting processes.

To attract newbusinesses, Forsyth County has updated its Economic Development Ordinance and adopteda Schedule of Criteria for the first time. The Schedule of Criteria presentsthe business community with an outline of the type of businesses that the countyis looking to incent while also outlining the criteria for incentiveeligibility. The target industries in the Schedule of Criteria were identifiedin a strategic plan that was formulated with significant community input.

The EconomicDevelopment Ordinance can be found here and the Schedule of Criteria can be found here.

“I think thatwhen people hear the phrase ‘economic development’ they immediately think ofbig businesses and big announcements. While I think all of that is an importantpart of the equation, Forsyth County Commissioners have taken it a step furtherby recognizing that success is measured even more greatly by follow-through, bymaking sure that businesses are able to reach the finish line by opening theirdoors and really thriving,” says Economic Development Director Vivian Vakili.

Vakili is partof the county’s administration and part of her role entails assisting largercommercial projects that receive an expedited permitting incentive through the county’sEconomic Development Ordinance that navigates issues spanning multipledepartments. 

Below arecomments made by business leaders in Forsyth County:

“The changestarted about four years ago with the people of Forsyth electing officials tofocus on bringing more jobs, and those officials successfully putting thepieces and people in place to execute the strategy. Due to the work by countyemployees like Eric Johnson and Vivian Vakili, and Robert Long with theCumming-Forsyth Chamber of Commerce, Forsyth County now has projects like ours,Shiloh Technology Center – a 405,000 square foot industrial business center. Ithas been fascinating to be in the middle of it all and see the positivechange.” – Blake Dexter, President, Dexter Companies, LLC

“The keyitems that really helped us get through the county process were the preliminarymeeting when our team had the opportunity to meet with all departments, theexpediting of the permitting process, the expediting of the CUP process and theprompt availability of inspectors. In short, Vivian’s overall supervision ofthe project at the county level was a critical component to its successfulcompletion.” – Christian Vivier, CEO, Gant Medical

"As abusiness owner who is trying to build in Forsyth County, my experience was mademuch easier due to Vivian’s help. I approached Vivian for help and sheimmediately brought all essential people from all county departments to thetable to discuss all the issues; whereas, If I had to do it, it would have beenimpossible. Vivian, along with other staff, not only answered our questions butwere proactive in letting us know about anything that the county may require thatwe may have overlooked. Vivian, in particular, is an asset to thecounty. The Cumming-Forsyth County Chamber of Commerce also lent us theirsupport when we encountered issues where we needed to ask forwaivers. Love the professional, friendly and welcoming nature of ForsythCounty!” – Vipul Patel, President, Exceptional Hospitality (Country Inn& Suites)

The ForsythCounty Planning and Community Development Department hired Jerry Oberholtzer toserve as the department’s first development & permitting advocate in 2018to also assist businesses with permitting issues. Oberholtzer helps customersnavigate issues specific to the Planning and Community Development Department,such as questions about zoning, residential guidelines, permit status and codechanges. Oberholtzer also attends meetings hosted by Vakili that span multipledepartments and he serves as an additional point of contact for the Planning& Community Development Department.

“PowellProperty Group works in several Metro Atlanta counties. We deal daily withpublic officials and county employees. We have never witnessed anyone takingaction like Forsyth County has. Hiring Vivian (Economic Development Director)and Jerry (Development and Permitting Advocate) is the best thing this countyhas done in years. Both are consummate professionals who actually care aboutresults. For example, recently we had a client who was trying to purchase anoffice building in our new office condominium project, McFarland Station. Therewas some confusing language in the code that could be interpreted in a coupleof ways, one of which was detrimental to the business. Vivian set up a meetingand had several staff members there within two days, not ‘next week’. Actionwas taken to the point that Jerry ran to get an answer to another question.When we left, the client could not believe the attention and support that shehad been given.” - Dennis Powell, Owner, Powell Property Group, Inc.  

“It’s great tohear such positive feedback from our customers; I think it truly speaks to theincredible leadership of our Board of Commissioners,” said County Manager EricJohnson.

“I also hearfrom Vivian on a regular basis that these initiatives would not have beenpossible without our highly qualified and competent staff from every departmentin this county that are willing to jump in and answer questions, resolve issuesand think outside the box to help our customers in every way possible.”

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