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Portion of Big Creek Greenway Closed for Renovation Project

The section of the Big Creek Greenwaymulti-use trail from McFarland Pkwy. (mile marker 1.5) to Union Hill Road (milemarker 3.6) is closed immediately due to recent damages and flooding as aresult of Tropical Depression Sally, including downed trees and damagedportions of the boardwalk. In addition, renovations to this section will beginsoon. The renovation project is anticipated to be completed in 2021.


This project will include thereplacement of existing wooden boardwalk sections and raising the profile insome areas of the trail. Walkers, runners and bikers will continue to haveaccess to approximately nine miles of the Greenway trail during the closure.Also, the four trailheads located at Halcyon (6265 Cortland Walk), Union HillRoad (5259 Union Hill Road), Fowler Park (4110 Carolene Way) and BethelviewRoad (5120 Bethelview Road) will remain open.  


“The section that is being renovated ispart of Phase I which opened in 2009 and has been well used and loved by thecommunity,” said Parks & Recreation Director Jim Pryor, “This renovationwill improve the safety and function of the Greenway and we look forward tore-opening it next year.”


The renovation design was provided byHeath & Lineback Engineering and the construction is being completed by ExcellereConstruction, LLC. The project is being funded by SPLOST VIII.


For more information about this projector the Big Creek Greenway, please click here. 

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