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Copyright 2025 by Forsyth County, Georgia


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Proposed City of Sharon Springs to be Focus of Town Hall Meeting

The Forsyth County Board of Commissioners will hold a town hall meeting regarding the proposed city of Sharon Springs on Tuesday, February 27. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Forsyth Conference Center at Lanier Technical College.


The purpose of the town hall meeting is for the Board of Commissioners to hear from the public regarding the proposal to create the new city of Sharon Springs within Forsyth County. The members of Forsyth County’s state delegation are also invited to attend.


  • During this town hall, public comment is encouraged.


  • Individuals wishing to speak during the town hall will be required to sign in on forms or a sheet to be provided at the town hall location.


  • Those wishing to speak are encouraged to arrive early to sign up for public comment.  Sign up will begin at 5:30 p.m.


  • Speakers may have up to 3 minutes to speak depending on the number of speakers.


  • The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to modify the public comment format at this town hall to ensure an orderly and productive assembly.


Forsyth County currently has only one incorporated city – Cumming. House Bill 626, introduced by Representative Todd Jones, would provide for the incorporation of a significant portion of south Forsyth County into the new city of Sharon Springs. The proposed new city would represent approximately 30 percent of the county population.


View the study commissioned by Forsyth County on the fiscal impact of a proposed city of Sharon Springs.

If the legislation passes and is signed into law, a referendum regarding the incorporation of Sharon Springs would be placed on the 2018 general primary ballot in May; only registered voters within the proposed boundaries of Sharon Springs would have the opportunity to vote on the referendum.


The Forsyth Conference Center is located at 3410 Ronald Reagan Boulevard.


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