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Recycle Household Hazardous Waste May 4

Keep Forsyth CountyBeautiful (KFCB), in partnership with KFCB’s corporate sponsors, Forsyth Countyand the City of Cumming, invites residents to participate in the upcomingHousehold Hazardous Waste Recycling and Disposal event on Saturday, May 4, from9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Cumming Fairgrounds' parking lot 3 (235 Castleberry Rd.).


Household hazardous wasteis categorized as leftover household products that can be harmful if disposedof incorrectly.


“This event provides agreat opportunity for residents to responsibly recycle household hazardousmaterials,” Forsyth County Environmental Program Manager Tammy Wright said. “Thingsthat people use every day, such as cleaning supplies and paint cans, can behazardous not only to people but the environment if not disposed of properly.”



•           Aerosols including aerosol paint

•           Automotiveproducts (batteries, degreaser, brake/transmission fluid, antifreeze, motoroil, etc.)

•           Batteries (all types)

•           Chemicals

•           Chlorinated solvents

•           Cleaners (corrosives, spot removers, bleach, acids, bases,etc.)

•           Cooking oil and grease

•           Electronics (computers, monitors, laptops, televisions, etc.)

•           Fire extinguishers

•           Flammables (lighter fluid and waste fuels such askerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel, etc.)

•           Fluorescent bulbs and ballasts

•           Glues & epoxy

•           Lawn care products (weed killer, fertilizer, etc.)

•           Mercury 

•           Oils (cooking, motor, lubricants)

•           Paints and Stains (all types)

•           Pesticides (herbicides, flea and tick products,fungicides, insecticides, rodenticides, etc.)

•           Pool Chemicals

•           Propane gas cylinders

•           Solvents and varnishes

•           Thermometers & thermostats

•           Wood preservatives



•           Medical waste, needles

•           Ammunition, explosives

•           Pharmaceuticals

•           Non-hazardous items


There is no charge fordropping off household hazardous waste. A minimum $5 donation is requested tohelp support Keep Forsyth County Beautiful.


The number of approved itemsbrought to the event to be recycled is limited to what will fit in the trunk ofa car, the back of an SUV or minivan, or up to a single layer of items in thebed of a pickup truck. Materials cannot be dropped off prior to the event.


For more information,, call KFCB at (770) 205-4573 or

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