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Register to Vote by February 1 for the Upcoming Presidential Preference Primary

The voter registration deadline for the March 1Presidential Preference Primary is February 1. Forsyth County residents wishingto register to vote or to change their name and/or address on the voterregistration list may now do so online or in person at the Forsyth County VoterRegistrations and Elections Office, located in the County AdministrationBuilding at 110 E. Main Street (Suite 200) in Cumming. Office hours are Mondaythrough Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. You may also register to vote at any county public library.

To use Georgia’s new online voter registration system youmust have a valid Georgia driver’s license or identification card issued by theGeorgia Department of Driver’s Services (DDS) with signature on file withDDS.  If you do not have a valid driver’s license or identification card,the link will allow you to manually submit a paper registration.  Click here to use the online voter registration system.

To be eligible to vote in the March 1 PresidentialPreference Primary, a Voter Registration Application must be completely filledout and either USPS postmarked or otherwise delivered to the Forsyth CountyVoter Registrations and Elections Office no later than the close of business(4:30 p.m.) on Monday, February 1. If submitting your application using theonline voter registration system, your application must be submitted by 11:59p.m. on Monday night, February 1.  Any application not meeting thisdeadline will not be processed until after the Presidential Preference Primary.

Please verify your Election Day precinct here prior to heading out to vote.

To receive additional election information, visitthe Voter Registrations & Elections page or call (770) 781-2118 ext.9.

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