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Registration Open for Forsyth County Fire Department Citizens’ Fire Academy

Free hands-on program educates residentsabout fire services


Now in its seventh year,the 10-week Forsyth County Fire Department Citizens’ Fire Academy offersparticipants an inside look at the profession of firefighting. Forsyth Countyresidents interested in participating are invited to register for the upcoming program.


“The academy is truly aunique chance for citizens to get a behind-the-scenes look at their firedepartment and the services that we provide to protect them each day,” saidFire Chief Barry Head. “Not only will participants get a hands-on learningexperience, but they also will get to interact with first responders.”


The Citizens’ FireAcademy will be held on 10 consecutive Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. beginningTuesday, March 3, and continuing through May 12 (April 7 off for Spring Break).The course will be held at Fire Department Headquarters at the Forsyth CountyPublic Safety Complex (3520 Settingdown Rd.) in northern Forsyth County.


Participants must be 25years of age or older, have no prior felony conviction, pass an acceptablebackground check and be a resident of Forsyth County. Participants must bewilling to make a 10-week commitment to the program.


Those interested inapplying for the Citizens’ Fire Academy must submit a completed application, asigned and notarized liability release, and a signed and notarizedconfidentiality agreement. The application packet is available on the Fire Department’s page on the Forsyth County website at Space in the program islimited, and selection is first-come, first-served pending a successfulbackground check.


Application packets mustbe received by Feb. 10. For more information about the Citizens’ Fire Academy, pleasecall Bridgette Butynski at (770) 205-5699.

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