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Series of SPLOST Public Input Meetings Underway; Provide Feedback In Person or Online

Residents unable to attend in-person meetings are encouraged to provide feedback online


A series of community input meetings designed for citizen feedback on the types of projects to be funded by the proposed continuation of the SPLOST sales tax program is now underway in Forsyth County.


Along with the series of public forums — scheduled at various locations throughout the county over the coming weeks — a webpage featuring the same information and survey available at the meetings is accessible on the county’s website,, for those unable to attend. Look for the SPLOST icon on the website home page.  


“This is an opportunity for the community to voice their opinions on how they would like to see the proposed SPLOST VIII sales tax dollars allocated,” said County Manager Eric Johnson. “Whether that is done at one of the scheduled public input meetings or online, residents can have a say on how much of the potential funding they would want to go toward transportation, public safety, parks, or other categories.”


A total of 10 public input meetings will be held throughout the county, a list of which can be found at Each of the county’s five commissioners will hold two SPLOST public input sessions – one in the daytime and one in the evening – to enable as many residents to attend as possible. No formal presentation will be made and residents are encouraged to drop in at any time during the meeting hours. While the meetings will be hosted by each district commissioner, citizens are welcome to attend the meeting most convenient for them. The same information will be available at all meetings.


SPLOST stands for Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax. It is a special one percent voter-approved sales and use tax in Forsyth County for a specified period of time (up to six years), raising an estimated amount of revenue for designated programs or named capital projects. The sales tax has been in place in the county since 1987, when it was first approved by Forsyth County voters. Forsyth County voters have subsequently approved six referendums continuing the program. The Forsyth County Board of Commissioners is currently discussing plans to schedule an eighth SPLOST referendum to be voted on in November 2018.


What have previous SPLOST programs funded?

Past SPLOST programs have provided funding for a number of important infrastructure projects that otherwise may not have been possible. These include numerous transportation projects such as new roads, road widenings, intersection improvements and sidewalks; fire engines and fire stations; land for parks and green space; libraries; the county’s new courthouse, jail and downtown parking facilities; animal shelter and more.


View a complete list of SPLOST public input meeting dates, times and locations

View the meeting materials and provide feedback online


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