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Southeast Forsyth Residential Design Standards Open House to be Held Nov. 14

Progress of proposed residential designstandards to be presented 


Forsyth County is holdingan open house from 6 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 14, at the Forsyth CountyAdministration Building (Suite 220) for residents to see and comment on theprogress of proposed residential design standards for the southeast portion ofthe county.


The approximateboundaries for the proposed design standards include the following character areas from the Forsyth County Comprehensive Plan:


-      BigCreek

-      HawCreek and Daves Creek

-      McFarland(east of GA 400)

-      SouthGeorgia 400 (east of GA 400)


Design standards underconsideration include exterior materials, windows, building orientation tostreet, building disposition on lot, parking configuration, site design,connectivity and walkability, landscaping, common areas, lighting, subdivisionsignage and accessory structures.


“The Board ofCommissioners has identified the southeast portion of the county as needingadditional design standards to help maintain high quality residentialdevelopment,” said Deputy Director of Planning and Community DevelopmentVanessa Bernstein-Goldman. “We are looking forward to meeting with stakeholdersto get their feedback.”


The board alsoidentified the need for placemaking options for the southeast Forsyth Countyarea. Strategies are currently being considered as part of this projectinitiative to help inspire residents, developers, and other interested parties inan effort to enhance a sense of shared identity through a variety ofgrass-roots approaches.

County staff and projectdesign consultants will be available during the open house to answer questionsand provide feedback to attendees.

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