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Copyright 2025 by Forsyth County, Georgia


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Fourth Annual Storm Drain Art Contest Challenges Students to Promote Water Quality Education

Keep Forsyth County Beautiful and the Forsyth County Department of Water & Sewer invite Forsyth County middle and high school students to showcase their artistic abilities in the fourth annual Storm Drain Art Contest, beginning Monday, Jan. 6, 2025.

Students are asked to submit original artwork that educates about water quality and clearly enhances the theme “Only Rain Goes Down the Drain.”

Submissions will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 28, and will be judged by a review panel. Winners will be announced soon after. Three contest winners will receive $100 in compensation for their work, certificates of recognition and will have the opportunity to paint their creations on designated storm drains throughout the city and county.

“As water flows over land, streets and parking lots after a rain event, numerous contaminants including trash, chemicals, pet waste, motor oil, yard clippings and fertilizers are collected along the way, ending up in our water systems,” said Forsyth County Manager of Environmental Programs Tammy Keaton. “This contest is a creative, interactive tool that will help educate our residents about watershed health and the importance of keeping our waterways clean.”

Entries must be submitted by email to Apryl Milam at Each entry email must contain a .jpg, .png or .pdf file of the original work of art with signed entry and release forms. If your email was sent successfully, you will receive an automatic reply. If you have not received a reply, call (770) 205-4550 ext. 7142 to confirm receipt.

More information on the contest including rules, entry and release forms can be found by clicking here.

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