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UPDATE: Sawnee Mountain Preserve Reopened Following Storm damage

Nov. 4, 2020: Sawnee Mountain Preserve is now open atall access points as well as the Visitor Center (4075 Spot Road) followingstorm damage caused by Tropical Storm Zeta.


Nov. 2, 2020: The following sections of the SawneeMountain Preserve have reopened following storm damage caused by Tropical StormZeta:

-       Sawnee Mountain Preserve Visitor Center and trailaccess (4075 Spot Road)

-       Trail access (2500 Bettis-Tribble Gap Road)

The trail access at 2505 Bettis-Tribble Gap Road remainsclosed for storm clean up. Updates will be provided as available on theCounty’s homepage and social media channels.


Oct. 30, 2020: Due to storm damage in and around SawneeMountain caused by Tropical Storm Zeta, the Sawnee Mountain Preserve (4075 SpotRoad) and Visitor Center are temporarily closed. The parking lot gates will belocked at all access points and visitors will not be allowed to enter.

Updates on the reopening will be made on the County’shomepage and social media pages. 

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