I am
very fortunate to have a planning commissioner, Bettina Hammond, and two Citizen Stakeholders, Mandy Moyer and Melissa Loggins, that always go above and beyond to help our citizens with zonings. In an
extra effort to keep citizens informed, they have set up a newsletter of District 4
zonings. They did this for several reasons: 1. We had several zonings turned in
at one time. 2. They wanted people to have the facts. 3. They wanted
people to be able to distinguish between the different zonings. 4. They
wanted the facts to come from the county and for them to be trustworthy.
5. They wanted a way to update the people as the facts on the zonings
change as they are fluid and do change constantly with moving dates. 6. And
they desire to keep people informed to the best of their ability. I just want
to thank them for the great job they are doing because it's extremely difficult
and these are appointed positions. I will send out these newsletters as well to
make sure everyone sees what's going on but they are documents in motion as
they could be sent on one day and that zoning could be withdrawn the next.
That's just how zoning could work. Thank you for your patience as we figure out
how we can do this better together.
Please click on the following link to access the District 4 Zoning Newsletter.
District 4 Zoning Newsletter