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District Four News

Ali Norris Interview

Time and Liberty

  • July 1, 2019 |

This past Sunday, I listened to my pastor Craig Richard’s sermon as I sat on the beach vacationing with my family. The title of his sermon was Time and Liberty. He spoke of how in this busy world one of our most precious commodities is our time and our desire to have more of it. In our efforts to create more free time we buy more and more things to use in our free time and in turn we lose time from being with the ones we want to spend more time with. If it sounds like a vicious circle, it is. At the same time, there are our liberties -- the freedoms that we are given that don’t cost us money but have cost others their lives. These are the precious assets we should be sharing with our families that we get in a rush because of our demands on our time that we take for granted. Sometimes it takes our liberties being threatened like on 9/11 before we pause and reflect on how rare and how blessed we truly are. So, during the rush of the fireworks, picnics, swimming, watermelon, parades or cookouts, let’s take the time to reflect on the freedoms we have here in America and know that they didn’t just happen for us because we deserved them. Let’s know these liberties occur because people fought for the red, white and blue and because of the grace God has bestowed on America. Happy 4th of July to you and your family! Thank you for allowing me to serve each of you in this great county. 


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