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District Four News

Ali Norris Interview

District 4 Transportation Update

  • February 12, 2018 |

I want to thank State Representative Kevin Tanner, Chairman of the Transportation Committee in the House of Representatives, and Russell McMurry,  Georgia DOT Chairman, for coming to Forsyth County to meet with me, the county's transportation staff, and taxpayers from five different subdivisions in the 9th district. Transportation was our primary focus and residents got to ask questions about 369, and local improvement projects as well. A few citizens weren’t able to attend because of work conflicts but I think it was a great way for representatives from the community to get to share their questions, frustrations, concerns and their ideas on how to make things better. 

A few things we learned:

1. Passings lanes on 369 West have not yet been determined but the area where the county has done intersection improvements are likely not to be a part of the passing lane sections. 

2.  369 four laning is on a future aspiration list and unfunded, which likely won’t occur for over 10 years minimum. 

3.  Elmo Road intersection improvement will extend the existing turning lane to Wilkes. It will slightly realign Elmo and will add left and right turn lanes in all directions as well as close off part of Leon’s Store to get people farther away from the intersection to create a better flow. There are hopes that BP will close off their entrance and create another entrance with the proposed Publix going in behind it, across from Elmo. A lot of discussion was on this intersection and the hopes of acquiring another way to move Elmo in the future. Staff said it was in the future plans as unfunded and aspirational to move Elmo to line up with Doc Bramblett one day. It’s in the transportation update that hasn’t yet been approved by the board. The state understands the concern with this intersection and it’s close proximity to 369. 

4.  Wallace Tatum Road - the need for widening it to add more shoulder, better access to McBrayer Road for buses and sidewalks to Matt Park from the schools were also discussed. 

5.  Citizens asked for better law enforcement to slow down speeding trucks and trash pickup and both were discussed at length. I told them I had just met with Sheriff Freeman the day before and inmates were now picking up trash on all these roadways and more on a weekly basis. We have a few logistics to work out but the work began this week. 

6. Left turn lights at 369 on to Bannister and John Burruss - has already been approved with all the red light improvements going on and waiting for contractor to complete. I asked about left lights crossing over 400 on Martin, Hubbardtown/Crossroads, and Jot-em Down Road. Commissioner McMurry asked District manager Brent Cook to look into the numbers and see if the numbers were enough to warrant a left turn light. I explained the county had spent lots of money to bring the intersections to a much safer point but we couldn’t do the lights without their approval. This isn’t District 9 but a huge need for North Forsyth and for safety. 

7.  Red light and new road at entrance to Bridgetown - I went over the need for GDOT to get us a letter recognizing this light and new road and the Commissioner told staff what they are needing from them to get this achieved. Staff and GDOT both understand what a huge priority this is for our district to solve so many transportation problems and safety concerns. This improvement would help anyone living off of 369 West. 

A few other things were discussed but that’s a decent summary. We are so fortunate to have leaders like this who are willing to listen and to work to find remedies for these issues our citizens are facing. I was proud to be a part of everyone working together to find solutions. There’s a lot of work to do but it’s a great feeling to know that we all have the same goals and are working to find answers together. Thank you Representative Tanner for your leadership in helping to put this meeting together and to the citizens who attended or were on conference call. Your input was extremely valuable.  

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve. Please share this blog with others. 

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