Copyright 2025 by Forsyth County, Georgia


Emergency Supplier Network


Values and Guiding Principles

NIGP Values and Guiding Principles

Vendor Handbook

Vendor Handbook

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a Vendor with Forsyth County?

To become a Vendor with Forsyth County, you may sign up using our new Vendor Self Service Portal (VSS), located on the Procurement Department home page. The VSS provides vendors with web-based access to see their company’s information, such as a listing of issued purchase orders, contracts, invoices and checks. Furthermore, VSS offers the ability to upload attachments related to the vendor’s files. VSS also allows the vendor to maintain and update their address, contact information and desired payment method. Please contact Procurement at (770) 888-8872 if you require assistance.

Where can I find a list of what the County has out for bid or proposal?

There are a number of sources for this information. A list of the items that are out for bid or proposal can be viewed by clicking on the "Bids and Results" link. Please follow the instructions at the top of the "Bids and Results" page to obtain a copy of any of the solicitations. The information can also be viewed on TV Forsyth (Comcast channel 23) and in the entrance way to the Procurement Department at 514 West Maple Street, Suite 104, Cumming, GA 30040. Also, some projects will be listed in the county’s legal organ, the Forsyth County News.

Where can a plan holder’s list be found?

A copy of the plan holder’s list for a given solicitation can be found on the "Bids and Results" page. You may view the plan holder's list by clicking on the appropriate solicitation and it will be listed at the bottom of the page following the advertisement.

How does Forsyth County open bids and/or proposals?

Bids are opened publicly at the time and place stated in the bid and prices are read aloud. Proposals are handled differently, in that a selection committee evaluates them. The names of the companies that submitted proposals will be posted on the web site but no cost information is given. Once a final selection is made and subject to Board of Commissioner approval, the name of the company that receives the award will be posted on the web site. Proposals are not open for review until a contract is signed.

How can I find out bid results?

Bid results are posted on the "Bids and Results" page within 24 hours depending on workload and number of bids received on a given day. Once posted, the results can be viewed by clicking on the appropriate solicitation and then opening the "Results" link on the right hand side. Note: These tabulations have not been verified and do not constitute acceptance of the bid.

Are bids awarded immediately?

The using department and Procurement Department review the bid for accuracy and completion. If the bid amount is over the dollar threshold that requires Board of Commissioners approval, currently $50,000, the Board must award. The bidder will then be notified of the award and the award will be posted under the "Notice of Award" section located on the Procurement Department's "Bids and Results" page.

When is a purchase a bid and when is it a quote?

A bid is when the procurement is $50,000.00 or more, a quote is under this dollar amount. There are different forms of quotes as well: telephone, fax, and sealed.

Do all County departments go through the Procurement Department?

The Forsyth County Procurement policies and procedures require all departments to go through the Procurement Department for all items in excess of $2,300. The departments have County credit cards for purchases under $2,300. Note: there are a list of exceptions that the credit card cannot be used for (ex: telephone equipment, ammunition, etc.

Are bidders notified when they are not awarded the bid?

Not individually, but the web site (B.O.C. Meeting Minutes) is used to inform bidders of the awards as well as the "Notice of Award" section on the "Bids and Results" page. Again many of the bids require Board of Commissioners approval prior to the award. Bidders to a project that required a Bid Bond will be notified by letter once the award and contract has been signed.

Do all vendors have to possess a Forsyth County business license?

No. However, there are instances i.e. construction, maintenance, and repairs where it will be required if you are awarded a contract for these type of items. Awards of standard off-the-shelf or manufactured items do not require a Forsyth County business license.

Who is responsible for maintaining the accuracy of the information regarding the vendor's in our vendor database?

It is the vendor's responsibility to update their address changes, new phone/fax numbers, or e-mail addresses. Vendors may update this information using the Vendor Self Service Portal (VSS) accessible from the Procurement Department page. You will need your Vendor ID number which can be provided if you do not know it, and your Social Security Number or Tax ID associated with your business.

About Us

The Procurement Department has been established to administer the procurement process on behalf of the County. Its responsibilities include:  

  • Obtain in a cost effective and responsive manner the materials, equipment, services, and construction required for County Departments in order for those Departments to better serve Forsyth County’s residents and businesses. 
  • Provide increased economy in procurement activities, maximize to the fullest extent possible the purchasing value of public funds. 
  • Foster effective broad-based competition. 
  • Provide safeguards to the maintenance of a procurement system of quality and integrity. 
  • Make every effort to enhance the County’s reputation of progressive and business integrity and fairness and equity to all vendors. 

Please note: For Firms that choose Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) as their preferred payment method, the County will only make payments via EFT for up to $150,000.00, any payments over $150,000 will be issued as a check.

Our Mission

 Forsyth County Procurement works to maximize the purchasing value of public funds, to provide safeguards for maintaining a procurement system of quality and integrity, to provide for fair and equitable treatment of all persons involved in public purchasing, and to provide the highest level of customer service for county departments. 

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Forsyth County, Georgia hereby gives public notice that it is the policy of Forsyth County to assure full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities.  It is our policy that no person in the United States of America shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any of our programs or activities.

Any person who believes he/she has been subjected to unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI has a right to file a formal complaint.  The formal complaint must be filed in writing or in person with the Forsyth County Title VI Coordinator within one hundred eighty (180) days from the date of the alleged discriminatory act or upon notice of the discriminatory act.  Title VI Discrimination Complaint Forms may be obtained by going to the County’s website or by calling the County Title VI Coordinator at (770) 205-4550 ext 2751.