Copyright 2025 by Forsyth County, Georgia



Social Services Division

Senior Services now has social workers on staff to assist you with interests and needs. Call Charles Place at (770)781-2178, option 1, with questions or to make an appointment. Click here to see the many things we can help you with!

Senior Resource Guide

A free guide of nonprofit and governmental services available for older adults in Forsyth County. View and download HERE .

Center Programs

Congregate Program
This Older Americans Act wellness program provides a daily meal and socialization. It is offered in both centers and is open to independent older adults age 60 and better. A registration process is required for participation. If interested, call to have a conversation with a senior specialist, set up an appointment for a visit, and complete a brief assessment process. Participants are expected to become center members - $60 per year for individuals or $100 for households, with scholarships available to those who qualify. Participation may be at either Charles Place in downtown Cumming (next to the public library) or at Sexton Hall (in south Forsyth County on Sharon Road). American citizenship not required, but must be a resident of Forsyth County. Call Charles Place at (770) 781-2178, option 1 or Sexton Hall, option 2. Transportation to the centers is available through Forsyth County public transportation: Access Forsyth - (770) 781-2195, or click here
Respite/Memory Support Program (Sunshine Club)
This program provides care, fun, and lunch for your loved one with early-stage dementia. It also allows a much needed 4-hour break for caregivers. The location and times are: Charles Place, 4 days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday), 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. The program is offered on a sliding scale fee basis. For information or to make an appointment for a visit, contact (770) 781-2178, option 1.

Programs in the Community

Homebound, Meals on Wheels Program

Weekly delivery of meals to homes by a friendly visitor volunteer. Must be age 60 or older and have some mobility limitation. There are no fees for those that qualify, but donations are appreciated. Call Charles Place at (770) 781-2178, option 1, and ask to speak to Dan Hill.


Mobile Food Bank

Weekly visits to neighborhoods and nonprofit organizations with food and other resources to share at no cost. Call for the location nearest you, (770) 781-2178, option 1; ask to speak to Susan Wright

Aging & Disability Information & Referral Service

Provided by the regional area agency on aging, known as Legacy Link. call (770) 538-2650.