Copyright 2025 by Forsyth County, Georgia



TSPLOST (Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax) is a one-cent sales tax, that if approved by voters, would be used solely to fund transportation projects in Forsyth County.

The population of Forsyth County grew by 39 percent in the last decade and is projected to double in the next 30 years. TSPLOST would equip Forsyth County with a dedicated revenue source to construct transportation improvements necessitated by projected growth and enable it to leverage both federal and state dollars, which often require matching funds, to make investments in infrastructure go further.


On August 4, 2022, the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners approved a resolution calling for a TSPLOST Referendum. Voters will have the opportunity to vote on the TSLPOST Referendum on the November 8, 2022 ballot.


TSPLOST would create a dedicated funding source for transportation improvements in Forsyth County over the next five years to address transportation congestion and connectivity.

Who pays for TSPLOST?

Because T-SPLOST is a sales tax, in general, it would be paid by everyone who spends money in Forsyth County – and uses our roads – so that the tax would not fall solely on property owners. TSPLOST would also allow the County to make investments in transportation without incurring new debt.

What projects could be funded by TSPLOST?

A composite list of transportation projects that could be funded by TSPLOST can be found by **clicking here** and is derived from the 2018 Forsyth County Transportation Plan, as amended in 2022, which can be found by clicking here. The composite list currently contains projects estimated to cost over $878,000,000. 

**The transportation projects in the composite list are not guaranteed to be commenced or completed if the Forsyth County 2022 TSPLOST is approved by voters. The 2022 TSPLOST is projected to generate $250,000,000 in transportation-focused revenue. The transportation projects in the composite list above comprise those transportation projects considered priorities by the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners. The composite list of projects will serve as the pool of transportation projects to be considered for funding with TSPLOST proceeds, but the County cannot guarantee any specific project will be commenced or completed should TSPLOST pass. Commencement and completion of any transportation project is dependent on a variety of factors to include available revenue from all sources, overall project costs, changing transportation priorities and related economic and need-based considerations. Additionally, the County’s Transportation Improvement Plan is subject to further amendment by the Board of Commissioners. If the County’s approved Transportation Plan is modified, the above list will necessarily change. 

Transportation Improvement Categories for TSPLOST Funds

Forsyth County

  • Roadway – General Purpose Capacity
    Capacity projects would include lane widening, additional lanes and safety shoulders to facilitate “level of service” increase. Critical new roadway connections would offset congestion.
  • Roadway – Operation (Intersection Improvements)
    Improve the operational and safety characteristics of intersections. Improvements could include signalization, turn lanes, realignments, roundabout retrofits and bridge upgrades and maintenance.
  • Roadway – Resurfacing/Reclamation
    Primary focus is to improve safety of existing roadways with narrow lanes and shoulders and degraded wearing surface.
  • Multi-Use Trails and Sidewalks
    Active transportation includes modes of travel that require human energy, such as biking and walking, increasing the quality of life countywide.
  • Quick Response
    The Quick Response Project Program encompasses operational projects such as restriping, intersection improvements, turn lane additions and extensions that can be implemented in a short period of time.

City of Cumming

  • State Route 20 Lane Addition
    Additional turn lane from Samaritan Drive to Castleberry Road, reducing congestion.
  • Roadway – Resurfacing/General Maintenance
    Primary focus is to improve the safety of existing roadways with narrow lanes and shoulders and degraded wearing surface.

For more information on TSPLOST statewide, please see Single County TSPLOST Guide.